42 research outputs found

    Gene expression from plasmids containing the araBAD promoter at subsaturating inducer concentrations represents mixed populations

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    Gene expression from plasmids containing the araBAD promoter can be regulated by the concentration of arabinose in the growth medium. Guzman et al. [Guzman, L.-M., Belin, D., Carson, M. J. & Beckwith, J. (1995) J. Bacteriol. 177, 4121–4130] showed that expression of a cloned gene could be modulated over several orders of magnitude in cultures grown in the presence of subsaturating concentrations of arabinose. We constructed plasmids expressing a fast-folding mutant Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein from the araBAD promoter to examine the distribution of expressed gene products in individual cells at intermediate induction levels. Microscopic examination of cells grown at low arabinose concentrations shows mixtures of brightly fluorescent and dark cells, suggesting that intermediate expression levels in cultures reflect a population average of induced and uninduced cells. The kinetics of green fluorescent protein induction suggest that this reflects an “autocatalytic” induction mechanism due to accumulation of the inducer by active transport. This mechanism, which is analogous to the induction of the lac operon at subsaturating inducer concentrations in lacY(+) cells, was described 40 years ago by Novick and Weiner [Novick, A. & Weiner, M. (1957) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 43, 553–566]

    Gene expression from plasmids containing the araBAD promoter at subsaturating inducer concentrations represents mixed populations

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    High-throughput, quantitative analyses of genetic interactions in E. coli.

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    Large-scale genetic interaction studies provide the basis for defining gene function and pathway architecture. Recent advances in the ability to generate double mutants en masse in Saccharomyces cerevisiae have dramatically accelerated the acquisition of genetic interaction information and the biological inferences that follow. Here we describe a method based on F factor-driven conjugation, which allows for high-throughput generation of double mutants in Escherichia coli. This method, termed genetic interaction analysis technology for E. coli (GIANT-coli), permits us to systematically generate and array double-mutant cells on solid media in high-density arrays. We show that colony size provides a robust and quantitative output of cellular fitness and that GIANT-coli can recapitulate known synthetic interactions and identify previously unidentified negative (synthetic sickness or lethality) and positive (suppressive or epistatic) relationships. Finally, we describe a complementary strategy for genome-wide suppressor-mutant identification. Together, these methods permit rapid, large-scale genetic interaction studies in E. coli

    GONUTS: the Gene Ontology Normal Usage Tracking System

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    The Gene Ontology Normal Usage Tracking System (GONUTS) is a community-based browser and usage guide for Gene Ontology (GO) terms and a community system for general GO annotation of proteins. GONUTS uses wiki technology to allow registered users to share and edit notes on the use of each term in GO, and to contribute annotations for specific genes of interest. By providing a site for generation of third-party documentation at the granularity of individual terms, GONUTS complements the official documentation of the Gene Ontology Consortium. To provide examples for community users, GONUTS displays the complete GO annotations from seven model organisms: Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Dictyostelium discoideum, Caenorhabditis elegans, Drosophila melanogaster, Danio rerio, Mus musculus and Arabidopsis thaliana. To support community annotation, GONUTS allows automated creation of gene pages for gene products in UniProt. GONUTS will improve the consistency of annotation efforts across genome projects, and should be useful in training new annotators and consumers in the production of GO annotations and the use of GO terms. GONUTS can be accessed at http://gowiki.tamu.edu. The source code for generating the content of GONUTS is available upon request

    EcoliWiki: a wiki-based community resource for Escherichia coli

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    EcoliWiki is the community annotation component of the PortEco (http://porteco.org; formerly EcoliHub) project, an online data resource that integrates information on laboratory strains of Escherichia coli, its phages, plasmids and mobile genetic elements. As one of the early adopters of the wiki approach to model organism databases, EcoliWiki was designed to not only facilitate community-driven sharing of biological knowledge about E. coli as a model organism, but also to be interoperable with other data resources. EcoliWiki content currently covers genes from five laboratory E. coli strains, 21 bacteriophage genomes, F plasmid and eight transposons. EcoliWiki integrates the Mediawiki wiki platform with other open-source software tools and in-house software development to extend how wikis can be used for model organism databases. EcoliWiki can be accessed online at http://ecoliwiki.net

    The Gene Ontology's Reference Genome Project: A Unified Framework for Functional Annotation across Species

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    The Gene Ontology (GO) is a collaborative effort that provides structured vocabularies for annotating the molecular function, biological role, and cellular location of gene products in a highly systematic way and in a species-neutral manner with the aim of unifying the representation of gene function across different organisms. Each contributing member of the GO Consortium independently associates GO terms to gene products from the organism(s) they are annotating. Here we introduce the Reference Genome project, which brings together those independent efforts into a unified framework based on the evolutionary relationships between genes in these different organisms. The Reference Genome project has two primary goals: to increase the depth and breadth of annotations for genes in each of the organisms in the project, and to create data sets and tools that enable other genome annotation efforts to infer GO annotations for homologous genes in their organisms. In addition, the project has several important incidental benefits, such as increasing annotation consistency across genome databases, and providing important improvements to the GO's logical structure and biological content

    The Gene Ontology knowledgebase in 2023

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    The Gene Ontology (GO) knowledgebase (http://geneontology.org) is a comprehensive resource concerning the functions of genes and gene products (proteins and noncoding RNAs). GO annotations cover genes from organisms across the tree of life as well as viruses, though most gene function knowledge currently derives from experiments carried out in a relatively small number of model organisms. Here, we provide an updated overview of the GO knowledgebase, as well as the efforts of the broad, international consortium of scientists that develops, maintains, and updates the GO knowledgebase. The GO knowledgebase consists of three components: (1) the GO-a computational knowledge structure describing the functional characteristics of genes; (2) GO annotations-evidence-supported statements asserting that a specific gene product has a particular functional characteristic; and (3) GO Causal Activity Models (GO-CAMs)-mechanistic models of molecular "pathways" (GO biological processes) created by linking multiple GO annotations using defined relations. Each of these components is continually expanded, revised, and updated in response to newly published discoveries and receives extensive QA checks, reviews, and user feedback. For each of these components, we provide a description of the current contents, recent developments to keep the knowledgebase up to date with new discoveries, and guidance on how users can best make use of the data that we provide. We conclude with future directions for the project

    Mopac: Motif finding by preprocessing and agglomerative clustering from microarrays

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    We propose a novel strategy for discovering motifs from gene expression data. The gene expression data in our experiments comes from DNA Microarray analysis of the bacterium E. coli in response to recovery from nutrient starvation. We have annotated the data and identified the upregulated genes. Our interest is to find common regulatory motifs that are responsible for the upregulation of these specific genes. We assume that a common motif that a regulatory protein can bind to will be present in the upstream region of the upregulated genes and will not be present in the upstream regions of genes that showed a constant level of expression over time. Our objective is to find the common motifs that are present in at least some of the upstream sequences of upregulated genes and not present in the control set, which is the set of genes whose expression remained the same. Because it is possible that there could be several subsets of co-regulated genes under different control mechanisms among the co-expressed genes, we do not want to require motifs to be present in all upregulated sequences. Therefore, we propose a new algorithm for finding such motifs through stages of pre-processing, denoising, agglomerative clustering and consensus checking. Through this process, we have found some motifs that are good candidates for further validation.